

if i could choose what i want to be
i would want to be a grey dinosaur :D

I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here, the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though

Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

You don't know how long I have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown

For nobody else, gave me a thrill - with all your faults, i love you still.
It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.
{/confessions of a murderer
Friday, January 30, 2009( 11:11 PM)

i just killed a mosquito..
i feel bad..
that was the first i killed..
but there are like many these days..
go away you stupid mosquitoes!!!

{/how D hurt my thumb
( 10:02 PM)

i totally can't wait for guitar lessons tomorrow..
i've been waiting for it all week!!!!
and announcing to everyone that is willing to listen..
great that celeste feels the same way!!!!!!

Today when i was waiting for the bus at the bus stop after tuition, i noticed this couple, actually there wasn't anyone else except the couple and me, and i found out shortly that they're mute..
The male was pointing to this particular article on the newspaper and was doing really exaggerated actions which i think it's about a gun, shooting someone to death and... dying
i can also see that his wife was trying to tell him to chill but he was still rather angry..
It was a really interesting sight cause i don't get to see this kinda thing often and the guy really freaked me out when he did the "gun shot" and the "die" thing
Like he's totally against people with guns and stuff..
Maybe it's a kind of phobia..
kinda like euphobia...

yay!!! can't wait for guitar..
but it's like my fingers become numb cause i think it's the way i hold the guitar or the stress on the wrist..
whatever, face the music when i see the doc

Wednesday, January 28, 2009( 5:48 PM)

Had a really nice dinner at wicky's house even though this lunar new year was totally horrible..
The fondue was... chocolaty.. very very heaty.. but it's great!!
although playing tennis on Wii was incredibly short, but i guess it's fun.. and weird because the controller was passed around with the stripe still around my wrist..
JiaRong was encouraging on the whole guitar thing.. i guess celeste and i were more confirm on what we really want..

mrs gan took my paper!!
and i haven't finish it yet..
arrgh!!! she REALLY loves the number 9..
i guess it's cause this year is 2009..
i was so nervous, using my chem book to cover my face, in fear, because she might just embarrass me in front of the class or comment about my not very fabulous handwriting..

i felt so bad..
i was sleeping in geog (for a few seconds) and i feel so bad!!
because mrs lim was totally nice and didn't throw me out of class or anything..
okay.. feel so bad..
should have slept in ss instead..
oh that reminds me that i'm so going to fail my ss test/quiz/whatever it's called..
i left like... 5 or 6 blanks?

clara was in school!!
and i was saying OH MY GOSH! so loudly laozi was like telling me the people from the other tables were laughing..

Olivia is so strong..
if i were in her position, every time it's mentioned, i'll cry..

Friday, January 23, 2009( 8:59 PM)

"an apple a day keeps the doctor away..
luckily i haven't see any cute ones yet"

CLARA'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like finally!!!!
can't wait to see her soon..i guess..
i asked her if i should quite drama and join contemporary dance..
But so far, she says no.. but i'm kinda a failure in drama so why should i waste my time there..
so yeah..

today wanted to get the finishing new year's clothing with laozi and her juniors..
waihan was trying to increase my self-confidence and it did kinda help.. i think..
but the brown-coloured thing is way ex..
i must remember to keep my shoulders down if not LZ will whack me..
so in the end, bought a pair of shorts at the shop clara got her skirt-jumpers..

then i was late for tuition and jiongle kept messaging me saying if i was going..
then he said i really sounded sick.. and i kept playing with his badge..
it's so cool then he thought i wanted to eat it, again..

oh shuts.. i think i'm ill/sick..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009( 9:00 PM)

yes i do miss clara sim chiu yen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha can't wait to see you soon, clara!!!
hope you miss us as much.. but i bet you do!! haha i feel so self-praised..

arrgh so tired today..
class was suppose to end at 1540 but mrs lim let us off at 1530!!! and there was a long break..
yay!!!!she rocks..
but it is still.. like nothing because i have to stay back to do homework and wait for benedict to go to tuition..

stupid........................ stop being childish.. you're so stupid....
you bloody said that i can go..
now you say i can't..

Like what the hell are you doing?
you think playing with my feelings is very fun is it?

you don't know anything alright?
one day when we're all gone from you, you'll so freaking regret what you did..
breaking your promise and think i'll forgive and forget..
even if i forgive..
don't ever think i'll forget about the promises you broke..
the things you said but have yet to come true and i bet it'll never will...
because a person like you will never fulfil your promises..
so just stay out of my matters alright?!
you always think you're right but no..
you'll never be right..

Monday, January 19, 2009( 9:07 PM)

just stop acting please.

Friday, January 16, 2009( 10:42 PM)

Looking at the photos with clara sim in it.. taken before she left..
i officially miss her.. yay!!!!! she's coming back(:

{/blank phrase
( 10:18 PM)

she don't understand..
she don't understand..
she don't understand..
and she'll never do..
she assumes she knows everything..
and it's hurting..
she thinks that i'm always playing..
even how hard i try.. even how hard i try to.. to be the 'perfect child' she always wanted..
but she will never be satisfied..
does she know that it's tiring? it's difficult?Check Spelling
That i'm very tired?
does she understands me?
does she know that i'm freaking tired of being someone she thinks i should be..
why is the whole world perfect and i'm not..
why am i always the one at fault..
doesn't she see?
i... i don't know what to say..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009( 7:58 PM)

downloading the newest version of msn..
Suen wants me to so yeah..
But actually is not much of a point since they have a "new version" like every time

tons of homework these days/ ever since school started..
there's also geog quiz today.. i guess i flunked the easiest geog test EVER..
Luckily there isn't ss.. if not another subject i'm going to flunk..
arrgh.. stupid.

Good luck with the audition!!!!
I'm sure you'll be able to get in..
If not, you'll sure have something else to back it up..
BTW, whatever happens, YOU STILL ROCK!!

Monday, January 12, 2009( 7:15 PM)

"I don't know if i'm up for it but i know i'm never going to try"

have to trouble for school work..
now drama/syf/sound/tech stuff..
The sound part may sound easy but it's NOT..
we have to think which song to put for what scene and the mood of the scene changes too fast!
so have to rack our brains and.. i don't know..
stress for all of us..
we're also busy with our stuff.. homework and all..

Friday, January 9, 2009( 8:25 PM)

Today is cca day and i stayed in the blackbox when the sec ones came down..
Some were cute.. quite..
The two raffles girls came and eugene ng's sis came too.. vivian..
she doesn't look a bit like eugene.. he is so roudy but she's all sweet and smiles(:
so angelic.. haha

Stupid jiongle..
he thought i wanted to eat his school badge.. so dumb haha

I thought i'll never be able to receive the message that would make me start to jump up and down and dance till i drop..

Thursday, January 8, 2009( 4:32 PM)

I'm very very very tired.. exhausted..
The homework just come rushing in and the deadline is the next day..
Seems to me other class doesn't have much homework, only one or two pieces..
Mine could be equivalent to a mountain.. just exaggerating but it's still very tiring..
Ss is quite difficult..
I don't understand a thing the teacher is teaching/reading off the textbook/her notes..
I officially LOVE amath more than emath.. Emath SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My chinese teacher is like a BRIGHT STAR SHINNING ABOVE..
Thats what ben calls him 亮晶晶.. he said that the receptionist spelled his english surname wrongly so it became LIANG while his dad is LIAN..
(totally not father and son)
And he thinks 你石头(you rock) is scolding him..
I told him the english meaning but he mistaken it as you ROT..

I thought about it..
Math isn't that difficult after all..
the only reason why emath suck is because i don't exactly fancy the teacher..
Not that i fancy the amath teacher but just that he doesn't get on my nerves..

Monday, January 5, 2009( 10:14 PM)

I'm so tired today!!
school ended at around 3.40 and mrs gan wanted to extend the lesson but luckily, someone else needs to use the class..

The tiredness isn't the kind where you're drop dead.. it's like half frustrated and the other half tired..
frustrated to have so many homework to pass up tmr..

*still rushing english..

Sunday, January 4, 2009( 7:00 PM)

Are you like sure??
the other day was longer..
I just took it the other on saturday(yesterday) haha
but it was longer the other day..
and MINGLI!!! you're right..
school sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

today went to see the guitars(acoustic) at yamaha..
the red one(which i've fallen for) it like 8 hundred+++
so sad but it's really nice!!!
guess i have to stick to the classical one for the time being..
aww..lunch was so.. nice..
alot of raw fish.. it's quite nice.. basically, it was boring..

Saturday, January 3, 2009( 8:59 PM)

yes! I We did it!!
Celeste and i were so very shy at first to ask grace tan but celeste is much braver than i am..
she asked if we could learn guitar in church..
and she said shehas to find someone to teach.. which simply means: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's almost unbelievable!!!!!!
haha so after that i started jumping up and down.. which is quite fun actually.. and weird (:
and i still can't get over the fact that "my skirt is short"
<- this is so NOT short.. come on..

Friday, January 2, 2009( 8:15 PM)

First day of school is.. it kinda sucks..
some of the boys look pretty weird..
I could barely recognise shawn pang..

the other form teacher thinks that my skirt is too short..
like really?? weird..
anyway the teachers are boring..
not alot of free period..
i almost slept during chapel and tuition..
i'm so tired.. i kept thinking about my bed.. and it made me more sleepy..

now cousin is at my house..
he made spaghetti actually my bro did and it's.. okay..
eating it with ketchup..

Thursday, January 1, 2009( 8:19 PM)

( 7:46 PM)

I went to aunty lilly's house yesterday to celebrate new year..
Bobo and i were singing to the songs on disney channel and channel 5.. at the top of our lungs..
The view of fireworks at her house is amazing!! but my photography skills isn't good at all so...
but i'm posting here because my phone doesn't have enough memory..