

if i could choose what i want to be
i would want to be a grey dinosaur :D

I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here, the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though

Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

You don't know how long I have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown

For nobody else, gave me a thrill - with all your faults, i love you still.
It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.
Saturday, November 29, 2008( 9:39 PM)

I'm preparing for tomorrow's YES camp..
sigh.. haven't stuff the things into my bag yet..
Bought soap and shampoo..
Very excited..
Same group and room with tessa..
And i have not packed my stuff yet!!
Decided not to bring the jumper and wear jeans instead..
jumper makes me look fat from front..
and look okay from side.. which was a good point!!
Charging my MP4 just for camp..
I sure don't want to hear sounds that aren't suppose to be heard..

Friday, November 28, 2008( 8:11 PM)

Woke up very early today for the discussion session..
Didn't do much in the end cause the script wasn't with us..
i mean who on earth would take 2 scripts when your group members don't have a thing?
it's so stupid..

Today miss wong took drama..
The late comers had to do this love scene thing which was pretty funny..
After that, we did some shape activities..
Our group, the tech group, is like slacker..
Our researches isn't even handy..
We don't even know what to do..
What to research on..
We're clueless..
Other groups have research.. good work

We then went to the library to have lunch..
He left after feeling totally useless and after being drowned by all the sarcastic remarks he was receiving..

Suen went home while Peishi, Sunxin and i went to the fourth floor to check for books on tech..
We didn't believe gopi when he said he found none..
He isn't observant enough..
Later, sunxin left..
Smsing suen, who later came back, really gross messages..
We talked about some really, uh, how-to-phrase-it stuff..

We later went to drink bubbletea
Suen was still deciding want to drink or not..
later would be strictly censored..

and there are like 6 boys in my class..
like whoa..
I'm index number 9?? weird number..
39 people..
Engene Ng is in my class.. haha.. can play Rubik's with him..
JH WL XY also..

Thursday, November 27, 2008( 9:08 PM)

Went to watch Madagascar today..
And Zirui's early!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha.. i shouldn't tease her about her being always late for the time being..

Xinyi, zirui and i then go to mos to eat before watching the movie..
We sat at the last row and it wasn't cool at all..
maybe next time should take the last rowl..
the movie was hilarious..
i laughed till my throat hurts..

i kept misplacing stuff that XY and JH joked that i would misplace my boyfriend..
which is ridiculous because the person would have legs to find me right?! haha
so even if i got lost, the person won't be..
that reminds me, i just lost my MP4 pouch..
sigh.. call this unlucky..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008( 11:33 AM)

Yesterday during drama, everything was fine.. except Gopi..
He's so irritating.. actually i used to think that he was okay but why everyone hated him.. now i know..
He was like making a fool of himself and it was totally retarded..
anyway, i think i have more ideas for the sound part...

after drama suen shing pheng and i went to eat lunch..
Shing pheng was like everything is so expensive..
then we went to the library and she was like a primary 6 kid..
haha.. suen used my phone to capture some scenes of her..

four stages of the "Cronicles of Champane"..
1- emo
2- "oh shit, i'm on candid camera" look
3- laughing in silence
4- controlling laughter
5- (there isn't) because she has already exploded like laughter..
she ever had "tom and jerry" the cartoon in her phone..
but the indian music video with what the author thought it would sound like in english was totally hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some pictures of cars she(suen) thought was nice..
haha.. quite lame..
she kept wanting to go back to orchard to see hot guys..

Monday, November 24, 2008( 5:03 PM)

I just watched two movies Wild Child and The Clique..
I was suppose to do homework..
oh wells..
blogging has been plain boring ever since holidays begin..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008( 7:34 PM)

Yesterday night, all of a sudden my brother and i started singing hymns, which was pretty weird.. but it was cool.. haha
Then he made me prank his friend that sounds vaguely like Jiahui.. i thought it was her at first.. it was really funny then the friend was like "Uh, wrong number." then i was laughing like crazy with my brother..

There isn't any auditions today so it would be on friday but i might not make it as i have doc's appointment..
Went to popular with suen and noel then chatted/crapped alot.. suen and i then go to the dim sum stall to have lunch while noel went for his church meeting..
We went to the library afterwards and found seats around a table!!
We started talking about embarrassing and freaky stuffs/experiences and the guy in front of us kept looking at us.. Suen say if he's handsome, she doesn't mind but he isn't..
After that we went to buy bubble tea, the place where suen dreamt of RIHANNA the night before her concert..
walked to the bus stop and saw miss wong while typing a message to XR.. She put her hand in front of me and i kinda freaked out.. haha

Went to the gym then there was this guy in the gym that kept letting out horny sounds while lifting the dumbbell..
Stupid, no strength still want to show off.. I guess he too thought the sound was disgusting that he stopped making it..
Finally there wasn't obscene noises but he's face has that
i-wanna-die-already-but-still-wanna-show-off look haha..

Monday, November 17, 2008( 8:23 PM)

Went to KKH today for therapy..
The numbness on my right arm might be the cause of stress or my seating posture..
So i must go for the next doctor appointment which is on the 21st of NOV..

anyway i wish my mum would get MANGO cake for her birthday..
we had an awesome MANGO cake last year..
I chose it and it's nice!!!!!!!
LOTS of MANGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


talking to Clara on msn and she's wearing the number one tee?????!!!!!!!!!!!

Cause she doesn't have anything else..
The other clothes would be shipped over later..
so now she has to just stick with it..

Song of the day : Our Song by Taylor Swift

Saturday, November 15, 2008( 9:58 PM)

Just received my YOUTH HYMNAL!!
it doesn't sound like the coolest thing, but it kinda is..
I was so scared that it would dent and tear, which it obviously would under my care, more than the metal thing that is reflecting the light would drop..
i wasn't afraid it would drop because
1. GOD would protect us
2. we're seating in the middle, we will leave the meeting in one piece!! that doesn't include wounds and stuff..

We were suppose to do the worksheet which sister Eehan went through with me on thursday..
so all my notes and answers were at the front instead.. I still did my work..
we were suppose to go round filling up the papers with our understanding from the verses and i realised one thing..
out of all the hand writings, the serving one, who happens to be a teacher, can't read mine..
okay, i kinda didn't recognise it at first but it does seem very bad to me..

got home early enough to watch the CHEETAH GIRLS 2..
they're so cool.. the whole show was cool..
and talented!!

{/she left
Monday, November 10, 2008( 8:06 PM)

Clara left..
I can't believe she just did it!!
just walked into the DUTY-FREE ZONE and off she went..
We asked her to get us laptops, cameras, wallets and all.. haha..
Bhavna's gold GUESS wallet..

Later we were messaging her on the plane..
we saluted at every SIA plane, thinking it's clara's..
i'm missing her already.. sigh

Later went to meet XR JH LZ and Sunxin..
actually they came to meet me at my house..

Was drizzling a little, rode the bike..
LZ was slower than us so we really had to look out for her..
I would go "where's zirui?"

Later we went to the beach and wrote some stuff on the sand..
i wrote this big "BYE CLARA"


Later butt pain..
then went to BK to eat..
walked back to the tunnel..
it was so far.. but nvm..

i miss clara!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008( 10:44 PM)

She passed my phone to that Eeliang and he freaking read my inbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bloddy hell
good think she stuffed the gummy wrapper in his shirt!!! haha..
but heard that he poured ketchup on her before........
haha nvm..

happy 14th birthday BHAVNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love ya!!!!!!!!!<3

{/the verdict!!
Friday, November 7, 2008( 11:10 AM)

It is that we're not going out..
-end of story-

oh yeah..
zirui called me early in the morning at eight!!!! 8!!!
i could have slept till 11 or 12!!!!!!!
this is horribly insane..

anyway.. i've been having extremely weird dreams these few days.. it's creepy.. (not really)
I dreamt of the ZHANGS.. all of them except weishan.. all from 2PEACE
Then Mr KOH kept saying sorry.. and he actually ran faster than ALL OF US!!!!!!
CLARA kept pushing me out of the way.. don't know for what..
HINNY appeared magically and kept smiling at me for i-don't-know-what reasons..
we're in school and Miss WONG directed an elaborate performance..
and we performed it without any rehearsal!!!!!! cool..
The person at the MacDonald ice-cream kiosk took my money and ran away without giving me my MUDPIE MCFLURRY!!!!!!(that i've been wishing to buy for weeks and now it's running away from me, even in my dreams)
JIAHUI took a high dangerous path(construction site) to play LAN GAMES with WL XR and ME when there was a much safer path to take.. which is the backdoor that magically appeared, and LZ walked through it..

Albums coming out!!
1. TAYLOR SWIFT's album <3 comes out on NOVEMBER 11TH
2. MITCHEL MUSSO's debut album comes out on MARCH 24th, 2009!
Why is it so important??( okay not important actually)
cause point ONE is on my bro's birthday.. and on his birthday, i get benefits.. so I'm looking forward..
and point TWO is on MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooohhhhhooooooooo!!!!!(:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008( 8:39 PM)

Stupid XR took a picture of me falling off the trackmill..
Stupid XR took a video of me doing totally unglam stuff..

5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh.. it felt so fast.. it is fast.. serious..
sigh.. i guess i'm so going to miss her..
and i told my tuition teacher io can't go for tuition coz we're going out on friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{/8 and counting down
Monday, November 3, 2008( 12:05 PM)

I mean the days are seriously counting down itself..
how wish time would stop and allow us to make full use of this time before it continues to tick away..
but the more time we spend with her, the more reluctant we would be to let her go..
so it's kinda ironic..
anyway, the best solution is that clara stays but her parents had already paid the school fees there.. so it's inevitable she has to leave us..
hopes she will still remember us when she comes back..

Today going to bishan to do homework with JH and WL(maybe i think..)
hope i can finish up all the homework by this month..
must pray for the concentration!!!!!!!!!!!!

{/10 days??!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008( 9:58 PM)

ten days???!!! sure??!! OMJ

ten more days with clara..
or less.. since today is the tenth..
nine tmr
zero... and off she goes.. (cries)
i can't believe she's going off so soon.. it felt like yesterday when we were still hanging out before exams..
but where ever you are, CLARA, we (suen and i) will always be there for you..
we'll be waiting for you to come back to Singapore and pursue our dreams..


Song of the day : Right here, right now by HSM3