

if i could choose what i want to be
i would want to be a grey dinosaur :D

I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here, the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though

Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

You don't know how long I have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown

For nobody else, gave me a thrill - with all your faults, i love you still.
It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.
{/To suen..
Monday, September 29, 2008( 7:30 PM)

happy birthday suen!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't mean to forget your birthday this morning..
I just lost track of time recently..
I thought today's 28th..
anyway.. yeah.. got your present..

Friday, September 26, 2008( 7:40 PM)

Today went to the library..
saw Shengpheng and friend..
Then i was so tired that I fell asleep on my pencil case then Suen and XR came..
Later we tied Benedict's shoelaces together and the video they took were hilarious!!!
So he had no choice but to cut them..
I think he's angry..

anyway, random video that i forgot to upload..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008( 9:15 PM)

thanks everyone who cheered me up..
especially you coz you made my day..

NVM.. I'm ok.. i guess. i hope..
NVM.. just don;t ask/mention it again..

took some pics during D&T..
Our product..

(before) (after)

I don't even cara if you hate me.. I don't even care if no one cares.. I don't even care if you go round talking about about yourself and how you thrwo yourself at guys.. What I care is you opening your mouth and gossip about me.. I mean if you wnna spread stuff about me or whatever, the web is the fastest way..
Song of the day:Love Bug by the Jonas Brothers
Just don't get it why must you be so extra and talk about me.. Comment on me for what? If you have nothing good o say about others, keep your mouth glued-shut.. It's such a waste the gossipmongers didn't find their way to you.. You'll be good with them.. Or maybe you're just not good enough.. just another gossip queen wannabe..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008( 10:22 AM)

I'm in the ICT com lab now..
Bored got nothing t0 do..
D&T teacher want to kill us.. give us project when now is exam period..

Friday, September 19, 2008( 7:25 PM)

Took some pics in eng class..

really cool.. LTH didn't realise.. haha.. dumb

XY made mistakes while spelling "TREES" haha

weird.. JH's random

ZR build this thing..

haha.. Laozi scandal.. should take it with eugene..

At the back of the science class:

It's DAMN HOT!!!

moved in front a little and felt a little breeze at my leg..

Ho Jun and Jiale say that me adn DeDeDe one/ten night stand..
Drama was the improvising thing..
Then I screwed up..
NVM.. not the first time..

went to the dessert store with Peishi, champaign (shengpheng) and Shawn..
Shawn has a GIRLFRIEND?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then peishi held Shawn's hand and his hands had cuts.. haha
went to the bus stop after the MRT there with peishi..

Thursday, September 18, 2008( 7:56 PM)

Today is a terrible day.. arrgh
stupid asshole benedict kept putting his arm over my shoulder which is totally disgusting and it creeps me inside out.. eww..
then went to mac..
he bought me a drink as a form of apology..
then his weird actions started again..
he wants to.. p****** to **** me..
coz XR was beside and he said it's difficult to fake it..
Clara Suen and Iris came along..
Iris know about him..
I said Suen told her, then they said they knew i would say that..

Song of the day:A Little Bit Longer by the Jonas Brothers

Wednesday, September 17, 2008( 7:50 PM)

XR know me so well..
She knows that even she says no, i'll still do it..
haha.. yay!! but i know she'll support me(:
Saw him alot of times today..
like he's always at the opposite block.. haha

Anyway, Xr say DeDeDe's hair style sucks..
fringe slant to one side.. Gay??haha.. weird..

Xr got looked down by LTH..
like she said, "Is this done by your tutor or by you?"
then XR replied that she doesn't have tutors..
then she like her eyes on her head like that..
Then she kept smiling stupidly at herself but Jh and I know that she's about to burst..
then she finally sobbed a little..
ok.. back to normal..
it's very saddening..

math test that time keep taking LaoZi's correction tape cause mine's out..
then she was like sleeping after the test.. and she felt much better.. cramps
went to eat lunch..
then i was like "Watson sells SUDOKU??!!"
we were like playing scissors-paper-stone to see where to get lunch..
then went to food junction..
I received 10 missed calls.. wow.. ok.. broke record? i think..
after that got lollipop!!! yay!!
then took the 55 bus i'm totally in love with..
double deck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008( 8:23 PM)


That stupid Jl must always remind me about yesterday.. the thought of it really makes me sick..
TOMORROW got 2 tests.. sad
OMJ.. before eng.. XY found out something..
I was thinking that she was thinking what i think she was thinking..
ok.. then JH was like.. haha..
all of them were like bullying me.. haha

then the memory of everything else is vague..
except the part before, during and after science..
before science.. PE..
was crossed-legged and reading book..

after was outside science class then i think XR was flicking me then i held eguene's hand and said don't go... sounds like another pathetic dramatic scene.. NO!!! he's a shield..
Then XR tired to..
NVM.. to gross for blog.. eww..haha

then after that suppose to do music but it's like everyone do their own thing..
then XR keep looking at DeDeDe.. he keep looking at our table.. haha
WL and I were hitting our hands on the table..
came out with some rhythm.. cool
then XR don't want to leave coz she wanna take a pic of him..

then left with JL..
bryan came along and then i became the person who ***** with their fav *******..
they were either trying to flick me or throwing ice at me.. haha.. weird

Monday, September 15, 2008( 8:07 PM)

I thought I would be late today..
so sms suen say if i'm taking taxi, would she pay for me..
haha.. she said yes so i wanted to alight at XR's stop but missed..
so alight at Sunxin's stop bus saw her boarding..
then think "sunxin's never late.. and even if she is, nvm.. there's another person to be late with.."
so i continued the journey on the bus..
Reached school.. IN TIME!!! lucky.. phew..

English was like joking a lot..
JH kept saying i was lying..
I"M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 ways to say "I'm not sad.."

D&T test was like.. forgotten whatever i've studied.. ok.. this time, it's a confirm FFFFFF
We kept disturbing Eugene saying ZIRUI ZIRUI ZIRUI..
haha.. fun.. then he's face was kinda red..

Art was like if you do finish then leisure time..
amos and jared was still on the "speaking in tongues" topic which i guess amos and i kinda started..
Like aren't they tired??
That jared must be really really bored..

I was late for chinese but laoshi didn't scold me (:
they were having spelling and apparently, i either copy the answers from Roslyn or Benedict..
JH came in to returned my phone..
she was playing the text twist and it is sickening coz once you quit the game, you have to start all over.. arrgh

After chinese, asked benedict to wait with me coz it's so bored..
then jiahui came down..
I pulled benedict to the D&T room then ran away..
then he left.. talked to XR the saw suen and clara..
I wanted to wait for XR but clara doesn't want to..
so they left..
haha.. XR is so funny..
took a video and i think DeDeDe saw me pointing the camera at him.. OOPS!!

I think Gab Chuan spoiled the piano..
then JL and XR kept saying something..
I mean, they KNOW the truth yet act so ignorant about it..

XR looked so cute eating the noodles on the bus.. so scared it spill..
then the woman behind her was like shaking her head..
**doesn't she scared that it might drop someday??
the way she smile is so cute.. haha.. weird

Song of the day : Kiss the Girl by Ashley Tisdale

Saturday, September 13, 2008( 10:24 PM)

HEY to all!!
thanks.. felt it in my heart..
I'll try not to be sad yeah.. haha

OK.. today i so wished that i woke up at 1pm..
so need not go for tuition..
sadly, it was 10.02am..
later mummy said she doesn't wanna go Malaysia..
she's tired.. so i was pretty pissed..
then kinda angry.. left home in a rush then forgot to bring wallet..
then i told my mum..
both of us pissed at each other..
i was like praying there isn't tuition so got time to go home and get my wallet
but there is.. sad..
Jiongle bought chips so we were passing the chips to each other through out the spelling thing..
first time in a long time i got more then 5 wrong..
actually, i only got 5 correct..

after tuition, i asked mummy where to go.. then she said to go somewhere else coz it'll be late..
then i wasn't that pissed.. so it was ok..
i wanted my tuition teacher to fetch me home but he's busy..

later reached home, grabbed my wallet that is in the art plastic bag, changed bag then left home..
went to central instead of going AMK hub as what my mum intended to..
we went to OG to take a look first..
then walked around..
GOSH.. i look bad in almost everything i chose but good in whatever my mum chose(comments are from her)
so got the shorts (she chose) and nothing i chose..
then walked to this really chinese-like shopping center which i hate.. alot
then walked to CENTRAL to eat dinner..
Was messaging suen..
then search some more..
i was pretty afraid i would go home empty handed from here.. (central)
but soon finally found something..
this brown checked long blouse/dress but my mum thought that another dress would look better on me..
this white dress..
ok.. when she saw me in it, she was shocked..
she said i grew up.. (huh??!! weird)
ok.. she doesn't like me in the brown one.. so.. bought the white one..
then walked around.. i saw this boutique that sells dress so i went in..
my mum grabbed a dress(party/strapless) and force me to wear it..
i.. i don't know how to wear it.. sssshhhhhhhh..
Then my mum helped and she wanted to take a pic..
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! so i blocked myself..
come on.. which mum would keep wanting her daughter wear such stuff?
then went into CLUB MARC then so this really cool jacket..
but didn't get.. nvm..):
went home and is really tired..

Song of the day : Tearsdrop on my guitar by Taylor Swift

Friday, September 12, 2008( 10:02 PM)

I'm so pissed with myself..
not like anyone's gonna care..
so i tried to make this blog back to the previous one..
But the feeling is some sort of different..

"Crush" by DAVID ARCHULETA seriously rocks!!!
Not that i just found out.. it's just that i just saw the lyrics..
meaningful song..

i'm so sad i forgotten what happened today..

Didn't pass up art..
New drama coach looked down on us..
Saw Veno..
Returned home at 8 plus..
Used the com..
nothing else..
feeling's different..

song of the day : Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade

Thursday, September 11, 2008( 9:51 PM)


This should be my first post??
Or maybe..
I miss my blog..
The previous one where i typed all my stuff..
that i wrote my life on..
Goodbye winteriespring(old one)
Hope to embrace the new winteriespring..